Most of the ministry that pastors do isn't in public and it doesn't make it into worship on Sunday morning - especially when that ministry is with families. This is where you'll find writing and resources from a parenting pastor, who works with youth and families and occasionally preaches too.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Detective of Divinity - Easter 4 Children's Story – The Good Shepherd
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Detective of Divinity: Easter 3 Children's Story
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Detective of Divinity: Easter 2 Children's Story (Lectionary Year B)

trench coat, detective hat, magnifying glass, box for evidence, small model or picture of a door, empty jar for ‘breath’, figure of Jesus with marked hands and feet or picture of hand and feet or picture of Thomas touching Jesus like the one above
- Ask children if they remember the story from last week. Remind children about what it means to be a witness and about how Mary was a witness to Jesus.
- Put on costume props and invite the children again to be witnesses and look at the clues together.
- Talk about the disciples who were not yet witnesses.
- Look at the clues in the evidence box:
- the first clue: a door – the door was locked because the disciples were afraid that they would be associated with Jesus. Jesus was killed and maybe they would be in danger too. But Jesus got into the room even though the door was locked tight
- the second clue – Jesus! The hand and feet of Jesus were scarred. The disciples could see that it was him, the man who had been badly hurt and killed – he’s alive!
- the breath in a jar – Jesus breathed on them – a dead person can’t breathe! And he told them that it was his Spirit
- Say: “Thomas had to see all of these things to believe that Jesus was alive. Just like Mary didn’t believe it until she heard Jesus say her name.”
- Say: “Jesus told Thomas that his disciples might need to believe even though they don’t see – which means we need to look for clues to Jesus in the stories we hear, in the way we see people acting, in the love we feel”
- Pray: “God, help me to see the way you and your Spirit are with me always. Amen.”
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Detective of Divinity: Easter Sunday Children's Story (Lectionary Year B)
I was somewhat inspired by Bryan Moyer Suderman's newest album Detectives of Divinity to think about the ways that the biblical witnesses have the clues set before them...and how we do too. So the first Sunday of Easter, I'm starting with Mary Magdalene, witness to the risen Jesus, and having the kids help me look for the clues she found that he was alive.
I'll post the story every week until Pentecost.
Easter Sunday – John 20:1-18
props: trench coat, detective hat, magnifying glass, box for evidence, stone, bandages, figure of Jesus
· Ask if children know what it means to be a witness
o meaning one: to see something with your own eyes
o meaning two: to tell about what you’ve seen
· Often the word ‘witness’ in association with police or detective or the courtroom – like being on the ‘witness stand’ when a witness tells about the crime that they saw.
· Put on costume props and say “Today I’m going to be a detective and you are going to be the witnesses and together we’re going to look for the clues that Jesus is alive – just like in the story from John 20”
o the first clue: a rock – Mary saw the rock rolled away and that was her first clue that Jesus was missing. Talk about where there was a stone out of place in the story.
o the second clue: the cloths that wrapped Jesus’ head and hands – these were left in the tomb but the body wasn’t there. Talk about what the cloths were for and the disciples who saw them.
o the third clue: Jesus himself – Mary thought he was the gardener but she learned that it was Jesus himself. Talk about Jesus’ conversation with Mary.
· Ask: “What did Mary do when she figured out all the clues?” She was a witness who witnessed; she went and told her friends what she had seen: ‘Jesus is alive!’
· Say: “Even though we don’t see Jesus, we do have clues that God is at work in our lives: in the Bible, in the love we feel and receive from our friends and family, in the stories we hear at church and in Sunday school, and in many other way. We just need to keep looking.”